Authorised Coordinator Application Form
For Members to update the authorised coordinators who can check for order details and withdrawal orders.
Authorised Signatories Form for Clearing Members
For Clearing Members to update the authorised signatories record with Clearing House.
Authorised Signatories Form for Trading Members
For Exchange Members to update the authorised signatories record with Clearing House.
Clearing Member Information Update Form
For Clearing Members to report updated information to APEX.
Client Account Identification Form
For Omnibus Account holders to disclose end clients' information to the Clearing House.
Position Account Identification Form
For Clearing Members to open new position accounts, amend the details of the accounts or deactivate the accounts.
Position Reinstatement Request Form
For Clearing Members to reinstate the position which has been closed out by error within two Business Days.
Position Transfer Request Form
For Clearing Member to transfer positions across position accounts.
SEAT ID Application Form
For Exchange Members/Sponsored Access Clients to apply for new SEAT IDs, amend details of existing SEAT IDs or deactivate existing SEAT IDs.