Gold Perpetual Futures

Gold, long viewed as safe haven asset, is commonly used as a hedging tool for investment. With its limited supply and indestructible nature, Gold is an excellent store of value. APEX Gold Perpetual Futures Contract serves as a tool for your trading, hedging and risk management needs in this precious metal.
APEX Gold Perpetual Futures Contract Specifications (V2021.08.06)
Contract Code AUP
Contract Size 100 grams / Lot
Quote Currency USD
Minimum Price Fluctuation US $0.01 / gram
Tick Value US $1
Contract Series Perpetual Contract
Trading Hours

London Bullion Market Association (LBMA) AM Gold Price Publication Day

T Session:
06:55hr – 06:59hr (Pre-opening Session)
06:59hr – 07:00hr (Opening Match Session)
07:00hr – 18:00hr (Day Session)

T+1 Session:
19:25hr – 19:29hr (Pre-opening Session)
19:29hr – 19:30hr (Opening Match Session)
19:30hr – 05:00hr (Night Session)

T stands for a given Trading Day.
The end of the Day Session is the end of T.

There will be no T+1 Session on a non-LBMA Gold AM Publication Day or the previous Trading Day of a non-LBMA Gold AM Publication Day.

Last Trading Day Not Applicable as there is no maturity date.
Daily Price Limit +/-10% of previous Trading Day’s Daily Settlement Price.
Daily Settlement Price The Daily Settlement Price of a given day shall be equal to the LBMA Gold Price AM published by IBA rounded to the nearest US $0.01/gram.
Final Settlement Price Not Applicable as there is no maturity date.
Settlement Method Cash Settlement in USD against the Daily Settlement Price.
Rollover Fees

Rollover Fees shall be applied to all open positions at the end of the T Session. The Rollover Fees will be calculated and collected during the end-of-day clearing cycle at the end of each Trading Day.

The formula is as follows:
Number of open position contracts x Contract Size x Daily Settlement Price x (Rollover Rate) ÷ 365

The Rollover Rates used to calculate the Rollover Fees will be published on the APEX website.

Block Trade Minimum 30 lots
Initial Margin Based on SPAN (Click to see Margin Schedule)
Maximum Order Size 500 lots