Fuel Oil Futures

The contract is currently dormant and not available for trading. For more information, please contact APEX or your respective brokers directly.


Singapore is currently the largest bunkering port in the world, supplying approximately 50 million metric tons of marine fuel oil annually. The maritime industry remains a huge part of the Singapore Economy, contributing around 7% to Singapore’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

As fuel costs remain the biggest cost item for shipping companies, huge price fluctuations in marine fuel oil prices can adversely affect operational costs for many companies, which can potentially cause a ripple effect on the Singapore economy.

In light of the current situation, APEX launched the 380cst Fuel Oil Futures Contract, to create a platform for Energy industries and Financial institutions to hedge and invest in the fuel oil market.

APEX 380cst Fuel Oil Futures Contract Specifications
Contract Code FO
Contract Size 10MT / Contract
Quote Currency USD
Minimum Price Fluctuation US$0.10 / MT
Trading Hours

Singapore time trading sessions: Singapore Business Days
Monday – Friday, Excluding Singapore public holidays

08:55am – 08:59am (Pre-opening Session)
08:59am – 09:00am (Opening Match Session)
09:00am – 12:30pm (Morning Session/1st Session)
13:30pm – 18:00pm (Afternoon Session/2nd Session)

Trading of a Contract shall cease at 18:00pm on its Last Trading Day

Daily Price Limit /-10% of Last Settlement Price. There shall be no Daily Price Limit in force for a Contract on its Last Trading Day.
Contract Series Monthly Contracts (12 consecutive months Contracts)
Last Trading Day The last Business Day of the Front Contract Month otherwise the preceding Business Day
Delivery Method Physical Delivery at Recognised Warehouses by FOB or inter-Tank transfer
Minimum Deliverable Size 100 Contracts (i.e. a total of 1,000 MT)
Initial Margin Based on SPAN (Click to see Margin Schedule)
Maximum Order Size 500 Contracts per order