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DISCLAIMER: It has come to our attention that there are individuals or organisations misrepresenting themselves to be an employee or agent of APEX or as APEX’s official group chat/channel on a social messaging application, purporting to engage in fund management and forex trading and requesting for investments.
Please note that these individuals or organisations are not employees or agents of, nor authorized by APEX, APEX does NOT engage in fund management or forex trading, and APEX will NOT ask for direct investment of funds. Trading access to APEX is currently only through our members, whose membership details can be found at
金联创董事长黄海新先生说,金联创一直秉承“让大宗商品交易更高效”的企业使命, 通过十六年行业积累,金联创已经形成了庞大专业的行业数据库,能有效帮助客户把握商机,实现安全、高效交易。相信本次与APEX的合作,双方都将大有可为。